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You Cannot Survive Socially when You are not okay Mentally
Your Mental Well-Being Defines the Performance of Your Whole Being
Cheers to the Self State of Mind is the Best Therapy to Heal Soul of Your Body
From the above maxim makes it evident that in general sense mental health refers to our emotional, psychological and social integrity. It is simply how we think, feel act, react, handle stress and make choices in our day-to-day life.Now, here one need to understand the main existing difference between the mental health and mental well-being. Mental well-being is a broad category which includes peopleÂs emotional responses, domain satisfactions and global judgements of life satisfactions. Though the above focused components often correlate substantially, but for a person suffering from mental illness or disorders may experience these components differently depending upon his or her mood, thinking and behaviors.
Why Mental Health is Important?
Mental Health is important for all of us as it helps us to cope with the various stresses of life. It provides healthy life-styles, which in return provides healthy body. A mentally healthy person can not only an asset to his family but also make meaningful contribution to the community. Moreover, a mentally healthy person can realize his full potential and can provide productive way of thought and work (Source: Medline Plus). In short, the social and economic cost associated with growing burden of mental ill health focused the possibilities for promoting mental health as well as preventing and treating mental illness. Thus, the mental health is linked to the behavior and seen as fundamental to physical health and quality of life (Source: Vikaspedia, an Information Guide by Government of India).
Why Mental Health Became Important Part of TodayÂs Life Style?
TodayÂs life-style is a multifaceted compendium of evolving technology and social media. Communication outlets are changing every part of our lives so rapidly that it can be tough to adjust (Nichols.H, 3rd July, 2017, Medical News Today). Hence, modern life has not only witnessed scientific advancement but also an influx of technology and gadgets into our lives. In todayÂs age, people live a very high paced lifestyle which puts them in a state of constant stress, causing deterioration in mental health. At this juncture many would consider mental health to be a state of constant happiness and satisfaction, whereas, as also discussed earlier that a mentally healthy means ability to cope with normal activities and stresses of life. But off course it does not mean a stress-free life(Roy Choudhury. S &Barman. A, 2014, ZENITH International Journal). Various studies have shown a direct and bilateral relationships between oneÂs life-style and mental health. It is often small and regular habits that defines mental health. Hence, present life-style provides small to huge changes or sometimes within the on-going life-style and can cause an impact on mental health of a person (Julka. Dr. P.K, 24th April, 2019).
From the above discussion we can summaries that the modern world is wonderful in many ways. It gives us technologically advancements so that we can easily keep in touch with our loved once. But it is also too powerfully and tragically geared to causing a high background level of anxiety and wide spread level of depression. Therefore, from here we can see the eruption of following ironical inferences:
(Source: The School Life, An Organization)
The above inferences depicts that we our present life is mostly occupied with money, fame and self-consciousness. Furthermore, such pre-occupied thoughts prevent us from accepting the facts that are mentioned above. Thus, in order to be happy and stress free we have completely forgotten or does not pay attention that:
Rise of Corona Virus and its Far-Reaching Consequences
The Novel Corona Virus, later named as COVID-19, is an infectious disease that can spread from human to human. It emerged initially in the city of Wuhan in China in late December-2019, when cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology were reported. Following its emergence that led to serious health concerns. By the mid-march 2020, WHO declared a global pandemic due to the substantial global-wide spread of the disease, affecting many countries (Ayesha et al., 25th March,2021, Journal of PLOS Digital Health).
The spread of this corona virus within the society leads to devastating effect. Millions of people felt into extreme poverty. Many people lost their lives and many people remain alone in their houses, as death toll upon their family members. Many of the business enterprises faces an existential threat. Nearly worldÂs half of the workforce lead to loss their livelihoods. Daily paid workers mostly faced dire consequences of no money due to strict lockdown policies. Ultimately without the means to earn an income during lockdown, many are unable to feed themselves and their families. Moreover, due to this corona pandemic, the entire food market and trade policies bare the fragility. People started storage of food in their houses like grocery stores, border closures and trade restrictions prevented farmers from accessing markets. Food security and supply chain got disturbed, which leads to increase malnutritionÂs of millions, many suffer from lack of safety and labor protection and as well as lack of social support. Many have started working in an unsafe condition, which exposes themselves and their families to risk. Many others went vulnerable due to long days of lockdown and home confinements. Trend of work-from-home and far from changes in free survival life-style became called as new normal and gradually people started to develop various health issues and mental health problems proves to be of serious concern(World Health Organization, 13th October,2020)
Shadow Pandemic: Covid-19 not only a Pandemic, but also Threat to Mental Health
As more and more the lockdown policies started to become strict, the more and more people are forced to stay at home. Isolation, Social-Distancing, Separation from Loved Once, Closure of Educational Institutes and Other Workplaces, Closure of Entertainment Venues, shopping malls, Hotels and Restaurants etc., consigned people to stay at home. All these in long run, leads to negative impact. These negative impacts open the path for rising cases of Anxiety Disorder, Stress, Stigmatization, Xenophobia etc.
Hence, the competitive nature of modern life style which we are already fighting to survive, the coming of this corona pandemic and its shadow lockdown rules and regulation acted as fuel in the fire. Loss of freedom and uncertain atmosphere causes the deterioration in an individualÂs mental health status. Even the children are not spared as they are also confined to home. All these new normal life pattern showed some noted behavior in the society as:
Changed Behavior Among Children during Covid-19
Changed Behavior Among Adults during Covid-19
Changed Behavior of People within the Society in General During Covid-19
Summary of Above Discussion
From the above discussion it can be summarized that the modern living is actually simple but we due to again attention, we ourselves has made it too competitive and now we are loathed. Moreover, the forces of psychological distress in the present world are currently much wealthier and more active than the needed cures. We deserve tender pity for the price we have to pay for being born in the modern society. But more hopefully, cures are now open to us, both individually and collectively, if only we can recognize, with sufficient clarity, the sources of our true anxieties and sorrows.
BIO-NOTE of the Author
Name of the Author: Dr. Satabdi Roy Choudhury
Designation: Freelance Writer, India
Email: 08satabdi08@gmail.com
Contact Number: 848680241
Born on 8th September 1988, is a Freelance Writer form Assam, India. She started her educational journey form KendriyaVidyalaya, and completed her Graduation from St. EdmundÂs College, Shillong, Meghalaya. She is Credited with MBA degree in HR Major and Marketing Minor from EIILM, Sikkim. She holds the PhD from Assam Central University, Silchar (2018). Dr. Satabdi has more than 27,788 reads, 39 Citations and 31 Recommendations from various national and international Universities as per Research Gate. She has 15 International Publications. Total of 9 Awards for her Academic Skills from different organisations and also mentioned in more than 15 media sites.
Ayesha et al., (25th March, 2021), ÂImpact of Covid-19 on Mental Health and Quality of Life: Is There any Effect? A Cross sectional Study of the MENA RegionÂ, Journal of PLOS Digital Health, Available online at https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0249107
Julka. Dr. P.K, (29th April, 2019), ÂModern Life Style and Mental Health Issue Available online at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/modern-lifestyle-mental-health-issues-dr-pramod-kumar-julka/
Medline Plus, U.S National Library of Medicine, Available online at URL https://medlineplus.gov/mentalhealth.html
Nichols. H (3rd July, 2017), ÂHow Modern Life Effects our Physical and Mental HealthÂ, Medical News Today, Available online at URL: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318230
Roy Choudhury. S &Barman.A (2014), ÂHolistic Model of Subjective Well-Being- A Proposed Model and Exploration of Contents ZENITH International Journal, Available online at URL file:///C:/Users/ASUS/Downloads/29_ZIJMR_VOL4_ISSUE3_MARCH20142.pdfThe
The Wire, Â67% Increase in Reports of Suicidal Behaviour During Lockdown: StudyÂAvailable online at URLhttps://thewire.in/health/suicides-covid-19-lockdown
The school life (an organization), ÂHow the Modern World Makes Us Mentally Ill Available online at URL https://www.theschooloflife.com/thebookoflife/how-the-modern-world-makes-us-mentally-ill/
UN Women Organization, ÂThe Shadow Pandemic: Violence Against Women During Covid-19Â, Available online at URL https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/in-focus-gender-equality-in-covid-19-response/violence-against-women-during-covid-19
Vikaspedia, An Information Guide by Government of India, Available online athttps://vikaspedia.in/health/mental-health/awareness-of-mental-health
World Health Organization, ÂImpact of Covid-19 on Peoples Livelihood, Their Health and our Food System Available online at URL https://www.who.int/news/item/13-10-2020-impact-of-covid-19-on-people’s-livelihoods-their-health-and-our-food-systems