

7 Tips by Toppers to score 90+ marks in Board Exams

Every learner seeks tips and tricks to score the highest marks in the 12th board exams, manually or online. No…

7 Tips by Toppers to score 90+ marks in Board Exams

Every learner seeks tips and tricks to score the highest marks in the 12th board exams, manually or online. No matter how outstanding you are in your studies, board examinations are an inevitable part of the educational system. The examiners will determine your academic efficiency and excellence by evaluating the grades you obtain on your boards.

With the rising competition, the students often need guidance about how to score 90+ marks on boards.

This is because qualifying boards will add value to your educational status, and good grades are essential for obtaining admission to the best colleges and landing in the desired professional domain. No matter what, you can do something if you are hardworking and consistent and maintain a positive perspective towards your goal. Such factors are not only crucial for achieving excellent grades on your boards.

Here are 7 Tips by Toppers to score 90+ marks in Board Exams:

1. Master the art of consistency

Don’t be a last-minute crammer. Topped emphasizes regular, focused study sessions to grasp concepts thoroughly. Consistently build understanding and confidence, both essential for getting excellence in exams.

2. Improve your writing skills

Writing matters because it represents you. Bad, untidy, and unreadable handwriting will create a bad impression on the examiner. You must refrain from writing the answers the way you did at your 9th standard. The best way to improve your writing skills is to practice. As you study, write down the answers in neat handwriting. This will help you memorize your answers for a long time. 

3. Build a winning study Strategy 

Create a personalized timetable that prioritizes subjects based on your strengths and weaknesses. Allocate realistic study hours and factor in breaks to avoid burnout. Please stick to your plan and adapt it as needed throughout your preparation.

4. Set a positive mindset

A positive mindset is the essence of strength that helps you accomplish your goals no matter how arduous the journey. Most students often perceive board examinations as challenging and a significant threat. However, it would help if you remembered that board exams are neither threats nor competitions; they’re a medium for improving your learning. So, always stay inspired from within.

5 Tips on How to Study Smarter, Not Longer

5. Befriend the syllabus

Often, we get trapped amid extensively long notes and complex calculus problems. So, we tend to get nervous and terrified by the number of chapters due for study and revision. Every examination board follows a specific and exclusive exam pattern. Thus, you must become familiar with the syllabus pattern, as this breaks the complexity and makes the preparation easy and stress-free.

6. Embrace active learning 

Passive material would not cut it. Engage with the material regularly through note-making, mindset maps, and practice questions. Explain concepts to yourself or study in groups to solidify understanding. Active learning helps retain information better.

7. Prioritize well being

Board exam preparation can be really exhausting. Amid the hassle and juggling between books, notes, and anxiety, you might forget to take care of yourself. Always remember to take good care of your health. A healthy body is the foundation of a sound mind and better retention power. It will contribute to board examination preparation to a great extent. Eat healthily, drink enough water, maintain a regular time for sleeping and getting up, and more. Keep the stress level at bay by meditating.
