

Top 5 Best PC Games You Must Try Once as a Gamer

Top 5 Best PC Games You Must Try Once as a Gamer. Here is the list of the best games according to the research of few experienced gamers.

Top 5 Best PC Games You Must Try Once as a Gamer

Gamers have always loved PC gaming. The untold fight between Xbox vs PC vs Playstation has always been there, but PC gaming won it. However, there are several factors where Xbox and Playstation ace, but due to cost-effectiveness and accessibility, PC games won overall. PC games include different genres such as open-world games, RPG games, Story-based games, and many more. Here is the list of the top 5 best PC games you must try once as a gamer. (The games are not ranked from good to bad; they all are good, just numbered).

Below is the list of top 5 best PC games

  1. The Witcher 

The Witcher game series is one of the industry’s most popular and loved game series. Corrado Mastantuono, an Italian comic artist who debuted with a comic published in the United States, brings Corvo Bianco to life. The plot will be authored by Bartosz Sztybor, who has previously worked on story adaptations for The Witcher series. “For a witcher, the simple life might be difficult to get and even more difficult to reject. 

“When Geralt develops a taste for a slower pace—good wine and good company—the routines of a witcher are easily eclipsed,” according to the summary of The Witcher: Corvo Bianco. “With Yennefer by his side, one may expect Geralt to experience the good life. But the scars of history are deep, and like blood and wine, every drop entices those seeking more.” Witcher fans can expect the upcoming part of the game, ‘The Witcher 4 Polaris’.

  1. Grand Theft Auto 

The Grand Theft Auto series is widely recognised as one of the finest open-world experiences in gaming. Since the debut of Grand Theft Auto III in 2001, the franchise has changed the industry in various ways, bringing new features and improving on old ones. While many have attempted to recreate Grand Theft Auto’s allure, few have even come close. The upcoming part in the series, Grand Theft Auto 6, is slated to be released in 2025 on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, and fans anticipate it will lift the bar even higher. You should try the GTA series from GTA Vice City to the GTA 5 Online. Its open-world genre is the core for which most gamers fall. It has almost everything you think a gangster should have and this is one of the most recommended games.

  1. Tomb Raider 

Tomb Raider is one of several action-adventure games I’ve played. Lara Croft is one of the most recognisable female characters, and it’s easy to understand why. From the Tomb Raider protagonist’s deep tale to her remarkable survival ability, the series delivers a fresh thrill at every step. If you are a fan looking to add more titles to your collection, or if you are new and want to try Tomb Raider for the first time, you should check out this enormous Steam deal. If one of your favourite aspects of Tomb Raider has always been its superb narrative design, check out some of our favourite story games to discover more fantastic stories. You may also look through some of the top RPG games to learn more about the universe, in which you can forge your own path rather than follow one already laid out for you.

  1. Assassin’s Creed

Assassin’s Creed series is one of the most loved games available in the market. It will not only entertain you but will also teach you about the history. The series is a compilation of a total of 23 parts and there have been unexplained reasons for which one is best because it totally depends on the gamer although you can have an idea that Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry is not that good and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is one of the most loved parts in the series. It has pure sward to gun combat you will definitely love it as the story is so strong that it will hold you to know about it more and more.

  1. Valorant

Valorant is one of the world’s fastest-growing games and with good reason. Like any other FPS game, its principle is basic yet executed flawlessly. The reason for its execution is a development team that adores the game and the people included in it. Riot Games has consistently raised the bar regarding character design and voice acting. The game features several modes: Ranked, Unrated, Spike Rush, Escalation, Deathmatch, Replication, and Team Deathmatch. The game is also an Esports sensation, with many yearly tournaments involving the world’s greatest and most well-known teams fighting at the highest level.

Also Read: One of the best games in the industry, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is now available at low price
