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Having good study skills is always helpful. But it is even more important now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students were concerned about family or friends who may get sick, and others feeling more stressed. Beyond that, students in many countries are facing different formats for learning. Some schools are holding in-person classes again, with rules for spacing and masks. Other schools have staggered classes, with students at school part-time.
Still, others have all online classes, at least for some time. These conditions can distract from your lessons, and students will likely have to do more without a teacher or parent looking over their shoulders. They will have to manage their time and study more on their own. Yet many students never learned those skills.
Other tactics work best for certain types of classes. This includes things like using graphs or mixing up what you study.
One of the most effective ways of studying is to space out your learning. If you break up your study load over several days, you will retain information far more readily than if you stuffed it in one long session. This can help you become deeply accustomed to information, allowing you to keep it long-term. You will find you achieve much better results for it.
Taking the time to get organized will set you up nicely and help you achieve your learning goals. Fill in a diary and use it to keep track of current assignment deadlines. Bring all the materials and devices you need to class so everyone can participate. They find it helpful to pack your bag the night before so you are ready to go first thing in the morning.
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To keep your brain committed during class, take notes, which you can refer to later as you refine your study techniques. Notes can store information in your long-term memory when you write them. These notes will be necessary for reviewing when we complete assessments and assignments. It might look handy to condense your notes after class so they are straightforward to read.
Your teacher is a resource who is there to be used. The VU Block Model allows you to focus on one subject at a time. Learning in a workshop-style class will enable us to know our teacher. We can take advantage of this interactive learning environment by asking questions during or after class, where you can get fast feedback.
Getting someone to quiz you or quizzing yourself is a great recovery practice. This learning technique helps you commit information to your long-term memory and can easily retrieve it whenever needed. Recalling an answer to a question improves learning, as does writing down that answer; you are fittin memory. It is helpful to create flashcards when learning a new topic.