Kolkata Kali Temple Serves Noodles as Prasad: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity - The India Saga



Kolkata Kali Temple Serves Noodles as Prasad: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Discover how the temple was built by the family of a Chinese boy who was miraculously cured of a disease.…

Kolkata Kali Temple Serves Noodles as Prasad: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Discover how the temple was built by the family of a Chinese boy who was miraculously cured of a disease.

Kolkata, India – In the bustling heart of Kolkata, the city of joy, stands a temple that has recently caught the attention of locals and tourists for its unique approach to tradition. The Kali temple has broken away from conventional norms by serving noodles as prasad, a sacred offering to the deity, sparking curiosity and conversation among devotees and visitors alike. 

As we all know, ‘prasad’ plays an important role in every puja ritual. It is an offering (bhog) made to God and then eaten by devotees after performing the puja. If you explore, you will find the type of prasad varying from place to place. It is yet more fascinating to notice how a region’s food culture influences the prasad menu of a temple (or the area). For instance, halwa and ladoos are constant on a bog thali in North India, whereas, in Bengal, prasad comprises fruits, puffed rice, mishti doi, etc. But have you ever heard of noodles being served as a prasad in a temple? Yes, you read that right! We recently came across a temple in Bengal that distributes desi Chinese delicacies, such as Prasad. 

Noodle’s as Prasad

However, this Kolkata Kali temple, situated in the vibrant neighbourhood of Kalighat, has embraced a modern twist to its offerings. The decision to serve noodles, a popular food item among the city’s youth and a staple in many households, reflects the temple’s progressive outlook and efforts to connect with the younger generation. 

This innovative move is not just about appealing to taste buds; it carries a deeper significance. The temple committee believes that spirituality should evolve with time and adapt to the changing preferences of its followers. This temple exemplifies harmonious fusion in a rapidly modern world where traditional practices often clash with contemporary lifestyles.

Public Opinion

However, the decision had its critics. Some purists argue that altering traditional prasad items undermines the sanctity of the offering. In response, the temple authorities have been keen to reassure that the essence of devotion remains unchanged, regardless of the form the offering takes. The noodles served are prepared strictly according to vegetarian principles, maintaining the sanctity of the offering. Every plate is cooked with care and devotion, ensuring that the spiritual essence of the prasad is preserved.

As the temple continues to attract more visitors, it stands as a testament to the evolving nature of religious practices. By blending tradition with modernity, this Kolkata Kali temple honours the past and embraces the present, creating a welcoming space for all devotees.

The story behind building this temple 

According to the locals, there used to be two stones next to a large tree. They were covered in red powder, and people would pray every day. Then, an amazing thing occurred. An extremely sick Chinese boy seemed unresponsive to medication. At those stones, his anxious parents prayed to Goddess Kali. The boy miraculously recovered!

Following a miraculous experience, the boy’s family built a temple in that location. The Chinese community contributed much work and financial contributions to see the project through to completion. Ultimately, the temple was a proud symbol of cultural harmony between the two.
