JStudio, led by Anmol Sahni; A New Wave of Talent to Punjabi Music
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A story begins to breathe when it emerges out from a ground of reality. In his first book ÂDiversion of DeathÂ, Balram has experienced a part of life of the Protagonist Arjun. The deep experience of learning the Alphabets of language English when he was aged eleven and enrolled in sixth standard,and living through the remote village of Rajasthan to moving out in search of a job, the story moves as a part of real experience, part of fiction, and part of a self-discovery of any lower middle-class boy who is not even aware of what is his dream and where he is running.
When did you start writing?
I started writing in 2014. It happened out of sheer despair. I got a backache and, was unable to move my life properly except living my days lying on my bed most of the time.
What was the inspiration for Diversion of Death?
The youth of my generation in Rajasthan had lived a life which the world wouldnÂt trust if we tell them the truth. Because we belong to the last generation who had seen two different eras of the human race. Before us and after us. And no other generation would get to live them both. We were born and grew up when scribbled letters were the only form of communications and now, we are witnessing the world growing with technology where language, resources, and your background donÂt cause any hindrances in our life when we try to connect with the world. It took me more than a quarter of my life to understand who I am and what I really want. Then one day, when I was as lying on the bed, crying with back pain, the idea of writing Diversion of Death came to life.
If you had to sell the book in a sentence what would you say?
We all want to climb the next height of our life. But we donÂt know; where, when and how? This story had tried to answer those questions.
Have you been mentored or particularly encouraged by anyone?
I lacked confidence to tell anyone that I was writing a book until I was done with the first draft of the story. Suggestions, support, and encouragement began to come later when I gathered some confidence to take my story out.
Best and worst things about being a writer?
The best thing about being a writer is living in a thrill and excitement when you wonder how your characters would unfold the story in the next moment. And the worst thing is the huddle of searching a publication house when you are with your draft and adding to it when you struggle to make your book land in the right hands being aware of the equation that not everyone is going to like or read their book.
Are you working on your second book and if so, what is it about?
IÂm expecting it to go in print by Diwali this year. ItÂs based on an old practice followed in Rural areas of Rajasthan and some parts of Haryana as well, when it comes to marriage of their children. In its own way, a unique story IÂm bringing out this year with all the rain and draught, greenery and sandstorm of rural Rajasthan.