

CoWIN didn’t cause vaccine slot glitches, staff mismanagement did

Despite a confirmed slot online, beneficiaries are unable to receive the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) vaccine shot, according to the Centre.…

CoWIN didn’t cause vaccine slot glitches, staff mismanagement did

Despite a confirmed slot online, beneficiaries are unable to receive the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) vaccine shot, according to the Centre. This is due to poor management by the vaccination center employees, not to faults in the CoWIN digital platform.

ÂAvailability of slots on Co-WIN portal is based on the vaccination schedule published by district immunization officer (DIO)/session site in-charge which in turn depends upon the availability of vaccines. States/UTs have been advised that they should publish vaccination slots based on the availability of vaccines. The Union Government has also instructed all states/UTs to give preference to beneficiaries with online appointments than to on-site registrations, said the Union health ministry in a statement on Monday.

During the Covid-19 immunization procedure, the CoWIN platform facilitates registration (both online and on-site), appointment scheduling, vaccination, and beneficiary verification.

It was brought to the authorities’ attention that in certain circumstances, DIOs would advertise a session but then cancel it or send the beneficiaries back because vaccines were in insufficient supply, causing difficulty to those who had previously scheduled an appointment.

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