Parliament Breach: Families Dealing with the Repercussions - The India Saga



Parliament Breach: Families Dealing with the Repercussions

The “Big Breach” has shocked the country with its devastating effects and betrayed trust. In the background, a quieter storm…

Parliament Breach: Families Dealing with the Repercussions

The “Big Breach” has shocked the country with its devastating effects and betrayed trust. In the background, a quieter storm rages within the families of those directly involved while the public analyzes the details and authorities race to find answers; the one reason they gave for the issue is unemployment.

According to the family, one of the four protestors detained for breaching Parliament’s security was depressed because she didn’t have a job. Yesterday at Zero Hour in the Lok Sabha, two men, Sagar Sharma and D Manoranjan, leaped from the visitors’ gallery and into the chamber, causing shocking scenes. One tried to get to the Speaker’s Chair by opening a yellow smoke canister and jumping from desk to desk.

Neelam Azad and Amol Shinde, two additional demonstrators, were observed discharging color smoke from an aerosol canister on the road outside the Parliament. According to Neelam’s family, she passed the central exams required to be hired as a teacher and finished the M.Phil. research program.

She has a lot of qualifications, but she needed to get hired. Her mother, Saraswati, told reporters that she was so stressed out that she would frequently say things like, “I should just die because I am unable to earn two meals despite studying so much.”

Ramniwas, Neelam’s brother, informed reporters that he learned about the incident through a family member who called him to check the TV.

She does not belong to any political party and attends school in Hisar. She didn’t tell us why she did it. We will know once we get to meet her. One of our brothers called to let us know about the incident. Just two days ago, she returned home,” Ramniwas said to the press.

On the other hand, Amol Shinde’s mother said to the press that Amol had been depressed due to his failure to clear the army recruitment. “we do not know how what caused him to do this, but he had been feeling sad as, despite his efforts, he wasn’t getting in. What’s the use of my education and preparation if I can’t get in? He used to say.” since he was now too old to apply under the magnifier scheme, he had been looking at other options.

Devaraje Gowda, Manoranjan’s father, declared that his son ought to be “hanged” if he had committed any wrongdoing. “The Parliament is ours… Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi are just two of the many individuals who built that temple… Even though it is my son, this behavior with the temple is unacceptable,” Mr. Gowda declared.

Sagar Sharma, a resident of Lucknow, is one of four family members. His job is as an e-rickshaw rider. According to his family, he informed them that he would be attending a protest in Delhi for two days.
