Everything you need to know about Uttrakhand Bhu Kannon



Uttrakhand Bhu Kanoon: Dhami Government bans land purchases by outsiders

You’ve likely heard whispers of the “Bhu Kanoon,” a law governing land acquisition in the enchanting state of Uttarakhand. But…

Uttrakhand Bhu Kanoon: Dhami Government bans land purchases by outsiders

You’ve likely heard whispers of the “Bhu Kanoon,” a law governing land acquisition in the enchanting state of Uttarakhand. But amidst the murmurs, what exactly is it, and how can you navigate its intricacies to buy property legally and ethically?

Latest Update On Bhu Kanoon: Uttarakhand bans land purchases by outsiders.

The Uttarakhand government has temporarily prohibited individuals outside the state from purchasing land within its borders for agricultural and horticultural purposes.

Under the directive of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, all District Magistrates in Uttarakhand are instructed to reject any attempts by non-residents to acquire land in the state for agriculture or horticulture. This measure will remain effective until the five-member drafting committee, established by the State government to thoroughly assess the report submitted by the committee on land laws (‘bhoo kanoon’), presents its findings to the government.

This decision comes in response to protests in the state’s capital, Dehradun, led by various social organizations united under the banner of ‘Mool-Niwas Bhoo-Kanoon Samvanya Sangharsh Samiti’. These groups have advocated for restrictions on large-scale land sales in Uttarakhand to individuals outside the state. Additionally, they have called for an extension of the minimum residency period required for non-Uttarakhand residents to obtain a domicile certificate.

What is Bhu Kannon?

Firstly, “Bhu Kanoon” translates to “Land Law” in Hindi, serving as Uttarakhand’s cornerstone of property ownership. It’s a tapestry woven with complex threads, addressing the delicate balance between safeguarding local interests and fostering development. Introduced in 2002, it aimed to protect the state’s indigenous population while welcoming responsible investment.

One central tenet of the Bhu Kanoon restricts non-residents from purchasing land, exceptions notwithstanding. Land ownership might seem like a distant dream if you haven’t graced Uttarakhand with your presence for at least 15 years. However, pathways still exist. Establishing a business or a non-profit organization within the state’s borders unlocks doors, allowing you to contribute while reaping the rewards of land ownership.

The law has yet to escape criticism. Some view it as an excessive barrier, hindering progress and investment. Others argue it’s a shield safeguarding the land rights of locals facing growing scarcity. This very debate prompted the formation of a dedicated committee in 2023. Tasked with reviewing the existing legislation and proposing reforms, their report eagerly awaits release, potentially shaping the future of land acquisition in Uttarakhand.

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Uttrakhand Bhu Kanoon: A Roadmap to Land Ownership in Uttrakhand Bhu KannoUttarakhand

Navigating land acquisition in Uttarakhand can feel like deciphering an ancient riddle. The state’s Bhu Kanoon, also known as the Land Law, serves as the guiding principle, but its intricacies can perplex even the most seasoned investor. Let’s shed some light on its key provisions:

Restricted Access for Outsiders: Generally, if you last called Uttarakhand home at least 15 years ago, buying land directly might seem like a distant dream. However, the law isn’t a brick wall.

Exceptions for Committed Residents: You can purchase land if you’ve diligently integrated into the local community for over 15 years. This provision recognizes your contribution to the state’s social fabric.

Entrepreneurial Pathway: Aspiring entrepreneurs and those seeking to establish non-profit organizations in Uttarakhand can rejoice! Setting up a business or a non-profit opens the door to land ownership, fostering a win-win situation where your venture flourishes alongside your connection to the land.

Limited Land Holdings: While the Bhu Kanoon welcomes responsible outsiders, it also prioritizes the interests of residents. Non-residents can only purchase up to 250 square meters of land, ensuring equitable distribution and preventing large-scale land acquisition by outsiders.

Governmental Scrutiny: Every land purchase by a non-resident requires prior approval from the government. This meticulous process ensures adherence to the law and protects the state’s interests.
