

World Bank to support India’s Ambitious National Waterways Project , likely to be ready by 2018

The World Bank has approved a $375 million loan for capacity augmentation of National Waterway-1 under Jal Marg Vikas Project. …

World Bank to support India’s Ambitious National Waterways Project , likely to be ready by 2018

The World Bank has approved a $375 million loan for capacity augmentation of National Waterway-1 under Jal Marg Vikas Project. 

The government is developing NW-1 (River Ganga) under JMVP from Haldia to Varanasi (1390 Km) with the technical and financial assistance of the World Bank. The project would enable commercial navigation of vessels with capacity of 1500-2,000 DWT. 

Union Minister of Shipping, Nitin Gadkari said ÂThe NW-1 projects are expected to create 1,60,000 direct and indirect jobsÂ

The project will enable Inland Waterways Authority of India  (IWAI) setting up of River Information Service System on NW -1 for the first time in India. River Information System (RIS) are equipment, hardware and software information technology (IT) related services designed to optimize traffic and transport processes in inland navigation. 

NW-1 is a waterway of national significance passing through Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal, serving the major cities of Allahabad, Varanasi, Ghazipur, Bhagalpur, Patna, Howrah, Haldia and Kolkata, and their industrial hinterland including several industries located in the Ganga basin. The Rail and Road corridors in this region are heavily saturated. Hence, the development of NW-1 would provide an alternative, viable, economical, efficient and eco-friendly mode of transport. The waterway will act as a catalyst in the socio-economic development of the regions by creating new business and employment opportunities.
