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Since it is not possible for one person or authority to run a country like India, one of the largest democracies of the world, the law of the land provides for different authorities for its functionality.
Every year, the Union Public Service Commission and various State Public service Commission conducts the examination for civil services for the Union and the States respectively. The top minds from the country are appointed for the post. The young minds come with various new ideas, policies which they think are in line with the modern world.
What comes as an actual nightmare for some bureaucrats is the political interference by the Government in their working. Whenever a new government comes to power, it wants the policies to be implemented in its own way. The picture of the bureaucratic world is much different from the ideal situation and this is no secret now.
It is a known fact, that, whenever a new government comes into power, there is a shuffle in the whole bureaucracy. Also officially or unofficially the officers who have not met the expectations of the government by working in the new prescribed ways are transferred from one station to another. The frequent transfers of the officers not only disturbs the policy implementation but lowers their moral and impacts their family lives. The Supreme Court has also condemned the practice of frequent transfers of the officers. Back in 2013, the Apex court asked the bureaucrats to refrain from taking verbal orders. There should be a policy and a definite reason for transferring an officer. One should not be made to pay for the honest services he gives to his country.
Mr. Pradeep Kasni senior IAS from Haryana cadre has faced more than 70 transfers in his 34 years of services. Also Mr. Ashok Khemka another IAS from Haryana cadre has faced frequent transfer in his service. Many bureaucrats have faced more than one transfer in a single month.
The assault which some officers are made to face while doing their duties is heartbreaking. The latest case of alleged assault on the Delhi Chief Secretary by the Aam Admi Party lawmakers is not unknown. This incident came to light since it caught Media attention, but there are numerous cases which do not even come under any official record. This brings us to the question that if the Delhi chief Secretary can be a victim how a safe is a common man in this country. Being the residents of a free democratic country we should actually be free from fear to do the right things.
Taking this to next level of thinking such type of interference, be it transfers and postings or assaults come in the way of developments in the region they are serving. Like if one officer is working on a project and he is suddenly transferred, the newly posted officer in his place would need some time to understand the take project ahead.
Speaking here for the judiciary, the frequent transfer of judges is also one of the root causes for the pendency of cases. A newly posted judicial officer would either continue the case from where left by his predecessor or would take up the evidence again. If the judicial officer is retained at his station, he may make decisions more quickly.
There are a few suggestions which may make the bureaucracy work more independently:-
There should be an independent board for the transfers of the officers which should consider the work undertaken by the officers and also his/her choice for the posting. A person can work with more dedication at a place of his choice.
There should be no unnecessary transfers. If an officer is working honestly and with complete dedication to his/her work he/she should not be transferred without a concrete reason.
The Central Administrative tribunal should play a more vital role in considering the problems of the transferred officer.
The Officers should take only written communication of orders.
The political interference at any level should be stopped.
(The writer is a budding lawyer.)