

An Odyssey of HIV Infected mother!

The book Indomimatble Susan with HIV is an odyssey of how a single mother infected with the vulnerable disease of…

An Odyssey of HIV Infected mother!

The book Indomimatble Susan with HIV is an odyssey of how a single mother infected with the vulnerable disease of HIV raised her daughter.

Talking about the plot, Susan is a Bengali woman who loses her father at a young age and how the society reacts, showing the ugly side of humans. SusanÂs mother is a single parent who starts working as a clerk in a college and unintentionally starts ignoring her children. Feeling mentally depressed and deprived of sufficient care and love, she finds solace in a man named Sanjay and married her without the permission of her mother and siblings.

Knowing this SusanÂs family break all her ties with her but hereÂs a plot twist- Sanjay had a secret. He was infected with HIV. Later, Sanjay deserted her, and Susan got blessed with a daughter.

Susan was infected with HIV and her ordeals to raise her daughter. She had carried big dreams in her eyes for her daughter. Will she be able to achieve them? Read the book and learn how she manages to raise her daughter in such difficult situations.

Professor Mukopadhyay has written the book in such a manner that engages the reader till the end and takes us to the emotional ride of being a single parent, not forgetting the in-depth study of how vulnerable HIV is and how it can be avoided.
