JStudio, led by Anmol Sahni; A New Wave of Talent to Punjabi Music
A few years ago, Indian music was mostly enjoyed within the sub-continent, but today it echoes globally from the clubs…
Bengal’s Own MOOCS Platform(Ideation & Inspiration From Prof.(Dr.) Saikat Maitra Hon’ble VC, MAKAUT, WB & Team MAKAUT) has received various courses from Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, GNIT going to be the first engineering college in West Bengal has developed MOOC Courses with Active Presence & Guidance from Dr. Santanu Sen, Principal, GNIT.
MOOCs Program powered by Team GNIT:
Any Student from Any College/ university Can Enroll in the GNIT Developed Courses, End of Each Program 100 Marks Assessment questions will be prepared by Team GNIT.
Nikhil Bharat Shiksha Parisad has offered Empanelment to Subject Matter Expert Group to All Authors along with Digital SMEG Badge. Special Thanks to Saikat Majumdar,SPOC GNIT – Inst. Chapter of NBSP for his continuous support and cooperation.