The world is facing unprecedented times and the pandemic has made whole in the pockets of people. The situation has increased the value of money more than ever before. The hard-earned money of people must go to the right place.
Vaasu Challa came up with the venture ÂHappy Coin that improves the FINANCIAL- LITERACY, and FINANCIAL- DECISION MAKING of the middle-class Indians.
Nowadays we come across hundreds of YouTube channels, papers, online journals; articles that share guaranteed information on finance/cash management yet none of them help individuals to take concrete financial decisions. People face dilemmas while taking financial decisions, for instance buying a house, car, or an insurance policy. And even after not being confident about the purchase they still invest their hard-earned money by falling into the trap of an unknown person. There are times when the decision proves to be wrong in the future. Vaasu Challa is an expert that guides such customers through his venture ÂHappy Coin and prevents such scenarios by guiding them towards the right path.
Frauds are all over the place and one never knows that who may take advantage of you. People are getting trapped by Network Marketing and PONZI schemes. So, we must become financially literate as the scammers are mushrooming in the society and are eagerly waiting to screw your condition.
Happy CoinÂs Mission is to Turn 1 Lakh Middle-Class Families rich by providing the right financial education & by showing the right investment opportunities. COIN in Happy coin is the epitome of CUSTOMERS, ORGANISATION, INVESTORS, and NATION. By following the trend of social media, Vaasu is growing the weight of the peopleÂs pockets through different money management strategies which he does online.
The team has already served 11,000 customers and is keen to serve more people. Vaasu says that he loves solving problems, and that is the reason he has selected the niche ÂMONEY ManagementÂ, as 90% of the issues that people face in everyday life emerge through MONEY.
According to Vaasu Challa, the foremost mistake that people do financially is investing their money blindly without setting goals. People invest in real estate, mutual funds, stocks, fixed deposits, recurring deposits, post office schemes, etc. but without setting goals. ÂGoal Setting and ÂPlanning are the most important steps that people must follow before investments they are crucial steps but most people ignore them. In India, there are a few Financial Planners, and out of them, there is a very small percentage of them whom you can trust. They suggest a financial product to their clients which advantage them rather than their clients; they make high commissions through them.
But Happy Coin is far away from all these gimmicks and has proven to be a trustworthy organization since 2017. The goal is to guide people on How to set financial goals? How to choose the best financial product? And, How to plan their future investments?
Now there are criteria that a person has to follow to be their valuable customer. The client must earn more than 30,000 per month. The individual must be from the ÂMiddle-classÂ. Happy Coin mainly focuses on the people who know online transactions/ videos/ online meetings etc. The workflow is simple; they first analyze the problem from its root and then provide the best possible solution for it.
Happy Coin provides training and classes that include, Careers in personal finance, Hire a CFP, Invite Vaasu for a seminar, Business partnership, How to become CFP, Become Insurance Agent, and Become mutual fund distributor.
He says, “We are humans, we have to help each other for our personal and financial growth. There are 3 categories of people who really need the right kind of services for financial wellbeing.” It includes Widows, Third Gender, Retired, and the Soldiers.
Vaasu Challa is the founder and CEO of Happy Coin. He started his company in the year 2017 to turn 1 lakh, middle-class families, into rich. Additionally, he is an ex financial planner, Business coach, Author for two bestselling books, and Political consultant. Vaasu and his team are looking forward to serving more clients and bring improvement in their lives by sharing their knowledge and making them literate financially.