

Meet Advait Danke, Spiritual Catalyst & Sound Alchemist on a mission to transform human consciousness

Known as Spiritual Catalyst & a Sound Alchemist, Advait Danke, has inspired a lot of people around the world with…

Meet Advait Danke, Spiritual Catalyst & Sound Alchemist on a mission to transform human consciousness

Known as Spiritual Catalyst & a Sound Alchemist, Advait Danke, has inspired a lot of people around the world with his talks and events conducted on Spirituality, Self Realization & Natural Harmonic Living. His cutting-edge research on Sound, Frequencies & Vibrational Technology derived from the ancient roots of Tantra, Nada Yoga, Ayurveda & Raga-Chikitsa has enabled him to create a conducive environment and a methodological process to evolve and transform one’s Body-Mind & Consciousness with Sound and Music.

Advait Danke is on a mission to catalyze the journey of Self Realization & Expansion of Consciousness with his unique initiative of “Resonance – The Alchemy of Being”. In this initiative, he combines modern scientific practices with the ancient wisdom of enlightenment. He was inspired to create a definitive platform for Self Realization and Transformation so that it becomes easier for the New Generation to follow the path towards Enlightenment in a very simple accessible step-by-step approach. This platform is on a roadmap to help 1 Million people to grow towards Oneness (Non-Dual Nature of the Self) & living a Lifestyle of Natural Resonance. This initiative aims for enhancing the Quality of Human Lives, with an innovative blend of Spirituality, Scientific Tools & Esoteric Methods using the Science of Self Realization. Thereby, Holistically Transforming Human Lives so that they can achieve Sustainable Growth & Happiness in their Personal & Professional Lives.

Interestingly, his journey is an entrepreneurial step from being a Computer Engineer to a DJ / Electronic Musician to a Spiritual Teacher. Advait shares his Spiritual Journey starting with an authentic seeking to find the Silence Within and to find the True Purpose and Meaning of Life while he was in his Academics and touring as a DJ. He shares that the life before his Spiritual Journey was a complete mess and chaotic. Advait says, “I was living in total fear, anxiety, confusion and filled with noise. I was feeling lost and completely disconnected with myself”. Being able to seek for an authentic Spiritual Awakening, he met his living Gurus & Spiritual Masters who guided him to the stage of Self Awareness from a life full of Ignorance, Attachments, Fears & Compromised Living. Now his sole vision is to share this Experiential Wisdom & Spiritual Teachings which he has received from his Mentors to each and everyone so that they can live a Transformed Life & Achieve the state of Harmonic Resonance of Oneness & Realize their True Nature of Bliss and Happiness.

Moreover, his outreach has expanded to Europe where he has extensively toured for spreading the awareness of Nada Yoga, Ayurveda and delivering the ancient art of Sound Healing & Music Therapy. In fact, Advait has represented India and has also performed in various International Cultural Festivals, thereby spreading the awareness of Self Realization & Resonance Living.

His events have delivered remarkable results, wherein, people have experienced a tremendous shift in their health, wealth, relationships, career & consciousness. Since the last 4 years, he has hosted more than 300+ events, wherein he has touched more than 3000+ lives creating a massive impact, therefore, honored as a doctorate for his contribution on spreading Peace, Healing & Compassion around the World.

Time and again, Advait has shown an inclination towards contributing to the benefit of people, across the globe he has won multiple awards & has been featured in several international media houses like NBC, Fox News, CBS as well as in domestic media houses like Zee News, Times of India. His work has also received appreciation from multiple International Academic Universities, NGOs & Hospitals.

You can connect with Advait on the journey of “Resonance – Alchemy of Being” on his 

website (https://www.advaitdanke.com),

YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/advaitdanke),

Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/advaitdanke)

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/advaitdankeofficial).
