Nirmal Patel emerges triumphant despite many kidney failures - The India Saga



Nirmal Patel emerges triumphant despite many kidney failures

Nirmal Patel is an inspiration to many in terms of promoting them to earn and stand on their own. He…

Nirmal Patel emerges triumphant despite many kidney failures

Nirmal Patel is an inspiration to many in terms of promoting them to earn and stand on their own. He left his job to get into network marketing eight years back and today he is leading his own company named Teamex retail which is leading with 1 million youths of the nation today.

He failed several times but when he was on the verge of success, he was hit by severe kidney failure where doctors also gave up but it was his ‘never give up’ approach that made him stand up back again after transplant proving that the natural products made by them can be used under any ill conditions like kidney failure too. 

Nirmal Patel is the founder of Teamex retail where they are in the making of Ayurvedic products, where allopathic medicines were not helping Nirmal Patel much. He started using his own products as medicines so as to get results and that boosted his internal strength in return Nirmal Patel has a very simple approach towards mankind and that is, why are we not using gifts given by nature, we should use them in our day to day life and make the most use of it 

There is no looking back after it and today he is successfully leading 1 million youth in teamex retail routing them towards the usage of Ayurveda and its benefits.  They have a variety of products such as tulsi drops, ajwain drops, beauty look, halkaptak, and so on but their upcoming unique products include Spirulina it Is extremely high in many nutrients like Proteins, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Copper, Iron. 

It also contains decent amounts of magnesium, potassium, and manganese and small amounts of almost every other nutrient that you need. Nirmal Patel insists the nation uses ayurvedic products to have long and healthy lives using his own example.
