

Rohitash Jadhav Is The Man Behind the success of Viral Mania

A start is never easy. It brings along with itself lots and lots of hardships which makes people wonder whether…

Rohitash Jadhav Is The Man Behind the success of Viral Mania

A start is never easy. It brings along with itself lots and lots of hardships which makes people wonder whether the decision taken by them was right? Will, they will succeed? Or will they ever find themselves at a place where they have been imagining themselves? This is the place where various seekers stop what they seek for and back out without fulfilling what they have been looking after. 

But this is the first half, what about the other one? well, the other half consists of people like Rohitash Jadhav who started with Digital Marketing and moved ahead to ÂViral Mania and in various other fields which made the people call him out with varied titles such as Influencer, Youtuber, Social media gig, etc. His Digital Marketing head and experience knew what people demand and he presented them with something which was truly factual and asked for. What next is obvious for sure, he gained recognition. Recognition from the current Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr Kamal Nath. The CM was proud to reward such a young head who wanted to create a change in society. All of this was just a start and a lot was waiting for him in his future.

Rohitash became a part of a Social event which was conducted with the name of ÂNarayani NamahÂto show the women empowerment. He was called upon to attend the same and was obliged to be a part of it. He being a part of Digital Marketing company where women outnumbered men, provided support to the womenÂs by all means, where his efforts came in the limelight and he was truly rewarded by making him a part of events like ÂNarayani Namah and varied such events where he tried his best to serve his purpose and help people by every means he can.

In one place he served his purpose by being physically present on such events and other was his Youtube channel and Facebook page by the name of ÂViral Mania which on and all tried serving people through the interesting facts and news which people remained debarred from. The idea of change was working and soon Rohitash received opportunities which he never expected so early. His page was approached by Celebrities who got their content viral with more than a million views and these million views soon changed from days to hours. 

Within hours of upload, the contents started receiving views which were more a million for sure. Apart from this, Viral Mania also served many Political leaders like ÂMPÂs and MLAÂs who wanted their campaign to reach the public and make them aware about such initiatives are taken by their political leaders.

The page got wide and voice of what was served reached many. Several people received news and varied benefits through Viral Mania, which truly became unstoppable. Even there where E-commerce Portals which approached Viral Mania with their needs and on todayÂs date the same is being handled by the page and Youtube channel getting the portals for what they demanded.

The Youtube channel of ÂViral Mania writer and creator of facts and Facebook page of ÂViral Media which was dedicated to providing the public with amazing facts and news of entertainment reached out to the public and captured their hearts. Not only this, they tried their best to provide best for all the Politicians, Public and the Celebrities who wanted to reach the public with all their heart and a proper truth. No opportunities were missed and neither was the chance to influence. Every crowd learned some or the other thing and was thankful to Rohitash and his initiatives which made them learn something new and this is how this Digital marketer by his journey became a Youtuber and a Social Media gig which was truly appreciated in all fields. 
