Vaishnavi, from Bangalore, is a graduate in bachelor in business management, a jewellery designer and a growing blogger. With her skills in business and jewellery designing, the combination has been perfect for her to create and ensure to portray upcoming fashion and designs.
Vaishnavi began her journey as a blogger back in 2015 with nothing but dedication to start this journey on her own. And when everyone doubted her professional choices, her family believed in her. Her husband and in laws have been a tremendous support system and she keeps growing with their blessings and love. When they saw her passion towards blogging, they knew Vaishnavi would never stop till she achieved her goals, and thus, supported her on every step of her life, with every downfall and wins, her family has been her backbone, always. She began blogging as GRUBMODE to create awareness about small and budding businesses and street food outlets which were growing and were actually really amazing. She also creates content on outfits and styles to wear for events or occasions and affordable clothing hauls and basically her lifestyle in general!
VaishnaviÂs need to create content every day made her feel content, as if she has achieved something on her own. It was never like Âthe need of the hour, it was more of ÂI really want to do this for her. She creates her content with all the love and passion that she has towards her profession, and with the sense of giving her audience some amazing and worthwhile content. That is when she realised this is her forte and this is what really keeps her happy and satisfied. ÂMantra can be defined only when youÂre satisfied with your own self and your own work, if not trying to aim until we are satisfied with our work. I am my own boss and responsible for everything I do is what keeps me going, says Vaishnavi. With her dedication and hardwork, she truly is one of the finest ones to look up to for motivation.
Vaishnavi has often come across questions regarding and if her marriage has created some drawbacks in her career and blogging life and how come sheÂs okay travelling alone without her husband, to which she says, ÂMarriage shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dream, if either of us have to travel for work, it’s absolutely fine unless your partner understands you and supports in your decisions. I am grateful to find my person who doesnÂt differentiate in opinions. Now thatÂs one ideal marriage and the way the two support each other is just what we all need to do in our own lives. Support our partnerÂs decisions and always be by their side, no matter what.
Her life hasnÂt been the easiest to cope with, yet somehow Vaishnavi managed and enjoys every aspect of her life. She believes in living in the moment and spreading love and positivity, always. Live and love is what her life mantra is and she has been living that mantra ever since. Facing challenges and just being out of your comfort zone to simply live in the moment is truly a magical experience and that is an applaudable thought.
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