

The Rug Republic (TRR) joins hands with Child Rights and You (CRY) to ensure safety of children amid pandemic

The book, ‘7 Lessons from Everest’ by Founder Aditya Gupta aims at raising 1 Crore for Covid-19 relief These are…

The Rug Republic (TRR) joins hands with Child Rights and You (CRY) to ensure safety of children amid pandemic

The book, ‘7 Lessons from Everest’ by Founder Aditya Gupta aims at raising 1 Crore for Covid-19 relief

These are terrible times with the second wave of COVID-19 proving to be more virulent. India is already grappling with the issue of child labour and given the loss of livelihoods due to the outbreak of the pandemic, their number will rapidly rise as more underprivileged children will be forced to work and support their families. In such situation, CRY an NGO is trying its best to keep such children healthy and safe. However, this is a massive task and to achieve this goal CRY needs support of individuals and institutions. The Rug Republic (TRR) came forward to do its bit. Owned by noted business leader and mountaineer Aditya Gupta, TRR has started an initiative where it will gift people the coffee table book penned by Aditya to the one donating Rs 4000 & above to CRY to extend support to the NGO to meet its requirements to ensure care, protection and education to children amidst these trying times.

At the age of 50, Aditya Gupta had reached the summit on 22nd May 2019. He wanted to share what he learnt and found his answer in the book titled, Â7 Lessons from Everest  Expedition Learnings from Life and BusinessÂ. He spent several months conceptualizing and writing the book that shares the virtues of preparation, passion, perseverance, mental toughness, and resilience. The coffee table book is a photo essay that also narrates the experiences of the IIT alumnus as an explorer, adventurer, and photographer.

With 350 stunning images spread over 250 pages, the book makes for a captivating read. But more than just the good time it promises to offer to the reader, the book is also encouraging people to contribute to a worthy cause and a burning need of the hour. Every time someone donates Rs. 4000 or more to CRY, The Rug Republic will send the person the coffee table book as a gesture of appreciation. The corporate donors who will order in bulk will get the books at a lesser amount instead of a pro-rata basis. The bulk order will help firms make a significant contribution to CRY as their CSR activity and they will also get plenty of books that they can give their associates and clients as an uplifting present in these times.

The book aims to raise one crore rupees (approx $150K) for Covid-19 relief through CRY. Every purchase made of Â7 Lessons from Everest directly gets donated to CRY for providing much-needed care and protection for children against the deadly second wave of Covid-19. Donors can directly transfer the money to CRY using the links available on 7lessonsfromeverest.com.

Talking about the initiative, Aditya Gupta, said, ÂAt TRR, we always strive to do what we can to help others. This campaign combines two joys – one of giving and the other of learning through the master tutor like Mt. Everest itself. Climbing Everest is a transformational experience- not only for those who climb but also for those who can share the journey vicariously. Those who come forward to contribute to help the underprivileged children will take home not just their good wishes, but also a world-class coffee table book that can inspire them to overcome life’s various challenges. We want to spread the word so that more people can join us to help CRY.”

Acknowledging the initiative being taken by The Rug Republic, Regional Director of CRY, Soha Moitra said ÂPandemic has hit each one of us in many ways but what raises CRYÂs concern is its profound effect on the wellbeing of children across all ages and socio-economic backgrounds. For children coming from underserved communities the impact of this pandemic will be lifelong. Amidst, these unprecedented times such noble initiative by The Rug Republic is crucial and indeed timelys. The support extended by TRR will benefit many children of our project areas to ensure better health, education and protection to the children. We believe this gesture of TRR will inspire many to contribute in bringing positive changes in the lives of our children in these trying timesÂ.

Aditya has been delivering talks at various institutes discussing his experiences and the seven lessons he wants to share with the world. The lessons that Everest teaches us are not just relevant in our daily lives but also the current health crisis. People across age groups have found the book to be quite inspiring, thrilling, and invigorating. Now they have all the more reasons to donate to help the nation in our war against Covid-19.

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