Umair Orakzai, The Youngest Fitness Trainer of Pakistan. - The India Saga



Umair Orakzai, The Youngest Fitness Trainer of Pakistan.

The 21st century is all about being fit and active, the modern era, consisting of mostly millennials, is slowly transgressing…

Umair Orakzai, The Youngest Fitness Trainer of Pakistan.

The 21st century is all about being fit and active, the modern era, consisting of mostly millennials, is slowly transgressing towards making positive impacts on their daily routinesÂ. There is an increasing awareness in individuals relevant to shifting towards better, healthier lifestyles and people are striving towards their own respective idealistic fitness goals. 

Factors responsible for such an interest in fitness mainly consist of people becoming increasingly self-aware, whether it be them believing they arenÂt aesthetically pleasing to look at, or just them acknowledging increasing lethargy and consumption of hazardous products, such a boom in fitness interest not only benefits us as individuals, but as a society as statistics show healthier lifestyles tend to make people feel generally content with themselves, thus inevitably increasing efficiency in work, etc. When people have a positive outlook on life, they generally are more optimistic, have a positive impact on others. 

Now that weÂve structured the current standing of people in regards to fitness, a question that arises often is; How are we to reach these said fitness goals? Us too had been in a position of contemplation as to how we are to reach our ideal physiques, struggling with many challenges, I.e: What to eat? What is a sufficient source of energy? What physical workload do we need to implement into our lifestyle? That is until we came across one of the most knowledgable, influential internet personality in his respective field, Umair Orakzai. 

After many failed attempts and experimentations with several different blogs, fitness ÂexpertsÂ, and falling prey to the bogus Âshortcut methods, we came across an Individual well known amongst social media influencers, Umair Orakzai. Scrolling through his Instagram feed, weÂre faced by nothing but authentic transformations of his countless clientele. We were in awe to find out that this reputable fitness individual was only 22 years of age, making him one of, if not the youngest, a personal fitness trainer with such a huge following. He has been that push too many people that are responsible for their transformations. Revolutionizing, along with expanding his reach, by being innovative through using E-books to spread his magic, being the first Pakistani to use this method of spreading fitness expertise. Not only does this widen the clientele target, as people around the globe are capable of putting UmairÂs ebooks to use, but he has managed to find a way to still offer personalized training without being physically present, i.e; through social media. 

Umair Orakzai doesnÂt need much more of a description, as just a look into his social media profiles is enough to prove that his client transformations speak for themselves. His experience extends to 9 years in the fitness industry, his incentive to begin was his intense passion to be able to have an impact on peopleÂs lives, as well as increasing awareness towards the positive externalities physical fitness has, to the common people. He decided that the best approach at the time would be to build on himself and open up to people about his experiences in this industry, in the hope that they can derive motivation from them. 

Umair Orakzai is rated as one of the best, most reputable fitness expert individuals in the industry, all claims confirmed by clients who might not have reached their idealistic physiques, if not for Umair. Despite being only 22 years of age, which is remarkably young for his attributes, his experience, dedication, and ability to persevere is something rare to see even in individuals with 22 years of practical experience. He has clients spread throughout the globe, with his expertise passing on to people of all ethnicities. 

Being a consumer in this sector, especially not being knowledgeable and cautious of wrong advice, is a very concerning issue. You see manipulation from so-called fitness ÂexpertsÂ, inexperienced individuals that pass on opinions as fact. ItÂs important to be aware of this, as any mistakes can potentially open up to future disabilities giving discomfort in practical life even. Thus, why itÂs important to choose wisely, who would you rather be your guide, the one who paves the road to your goals? A random individual who tries spreading their delusions of fitness onto you?, or a leading, phenomenon who is coming to take the world by a storm, who has changed countless lives, Umair Orakzai? It may come off as bias, but just know that this isnÂt just our voice, itÂs the voice of countless othersÂ. 
