

Unlocking Success Through Mentorship: Entrepreneur and Visionary Sunil Tulsiani’s Journey of Guided Triumph

In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and business, one undeniable truth remains the invaluable role of mentorship. Sunil Tulsiani, an…

Unlocking Success Through Mentorship: Entrepreneur and Visionary Sunil Tulsiani’s Journey of Guided Triumph

Unlocking Success Through Mentorship: Entrepreneur and Visionary Sunil Tulsiani's Journey of Guided Triumph

In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and business, one undeniable truth remains the invaluable role of mentorship. Sunil Tulsiani, an iconic figure in the realms of real estate and entrepreneurship, reflects upon the transformative power of mentorship in shaping his journey from a police officer to a global real estate entrepreneur. In an exclusive interview, Tulsiani sheds light on how mentorship played a pivotal role in his life and the lessons he imparts to aspiring achievers.


Embracing the Wisdom of Mentors: A Warrior’s Path to Success


Tulsiani brings in the ancient times to cite that the importance of mentors for aspirational people remains the same through the ages. The ancient warriors had no single course at their disposal to teach them the art of war, so they seeked out mentors supremely skilled and successful in the field to learn from them, and that is how they, themselves, became great as well. Like any other industry, success in the real estate business comes following exactly the same method.


While elaborating, Tulsiani humbly emphasizes the significant influence of the remarkable mentors in his own trajectory towards success in entrepreneurship, including luminaries like Robert Allen, Kevin Harrington, Brian Tracy, and Jack Canfield. According to him, he learnt as much from their proven expertise and success in the field as from their mistakes and failures, and no one can ever learn all this inside a classroom.


According to him, “The best way to become very successful is to hire a mentor. There’s no book, there’s no video, there’s no YouTube, there’s not even events that could do what a mentor can do – who has what you want to have, and that person can literally change your life.


Networking events: The bedrock of mentor-mentee relationships


Tulsiani’s reverence for mentorship germinated during his tenure as a police officer—a reverence that transcended into the business world. As he transitioned, he realized that mentorship was not just a concept, but a tangible asset that could shape his destiny. However, when he started in the real estate business, which was a completely uncharted territory for him, it was difficult to find the right mentors to teach him what he needed to learn.


Tulsiani says his initiation into the world of mentors unfolded through real estate networking events which were the hub where attendee influencers, industry experts, and even many from the audience were potential mentors in the field. In these bustling events, he found people from all levels of expertise in real estate who presented him with extremely valuable insights that fueled his journey.


The Art of Gaining a Mentor: A Strategy of Collaboration


Even after finding the mentors, it wasn’t so easy to get them to teach Tulsiani the much-needed insights, more so since it wasn’t so common for experts at the time to offer fully guided courses. So, he had to get creative.


Tulsiani divulged a strategic approach to gaining mentors, a strategy he dubs as a “lose-win” situation. He offered his collaboration, whether through money or skills, to the potential mentors in exchange for lessons from them. He shadowed them everywhere and followed them closely while they dealt with properties under them, and this is how he learnt at the initial stage.


However, Tulsiani underscores that mentorship is a two-way commitment, it goes beyond casual exchanges. It’s a partnership that requires investment, be it in time or finances. He ardently advocates paying for mentorship, as it increases the level of commitment from the learner and therefore, the likelihood of implementing mentor guidance effectively.


Speaking from his own experience, Tulsiani insists,

Initially, I hesitated at $10,000 to $20,000 mentorship fees for some of the top-level experts – seemed crazy. Yet, I grasped their worth when I realized like university tuition, it’s an investment in expertise and connections. So, I hustled – selling items, side projects – raising funds akin to educational expenses. When I secured the money, I approached mentors, saying, “Here’s the fee; I’m ready to learn from you.” It transformed my journey. Remember, if mentorship seems pricey, see it as investing in yourself – like you would for higher education. It’s about growth and future success.


Sunil Tulsiani’s odyssey is a living testament to the catalytic influence of mentorship. Just as he reshaped real estate landscapes with his visionary initiatives, he redefines the trajectories of aspiring achievers. Through Tulsiani’s story, we learn that mentors are not just sources of knowledge; they are the catalysts for accelerated growth, shaping careers, and propelling individuals toward unparalleled success.
