

What is overthinking, and how do you beat it?

Thinking without boundaries is like listening to a crazy orchestra, where ideas clash and create a thunderstorm in the mind.…

What is overthinking, and how do you beat it?

Thinking without boundaries is like listening to a crazy orchestra, where ideas clash and create a thunderstorm in the mind. A thunderstorm of shifting doubt, a storm of ideas flashing in a frantic conspiracy, is mental restlessness means overthinking. It leaves the thinker in a delusion and maze of doubts that would be critical to mental health. Overthinking makes thoughts uncontrollable and unleashes a torrent of hypotheticals and what-if scenarios. Sometimes, it sparks unrealistic incidents and turns into a volcano of thoughts. In this article, we learn how to beat overthinking and become a master of your thoughts. 

8 Ways to Beat Overthinking 

1. The problem is a mirage 

99% of the harm is caused in your head by you and your thoughts, and the reality causes 1% of the harm, what happens, and the outcome. Most of the time, the problem is not the problem; it is just a mirage. To overcome this, a person has to focus on what matters the most. 

2. Avoid self-rejection

  • Do you deserve that opportunity? Apply for it anyway.
  • Is your article good enough? Publish it anyway.
  • Will they reply to your email? Send it anyway.
  • Never overthink yourself into self-rejection.

3. Silence

The truth is that most problems still need to be solved with more thinking. You have to find most of the answers while looking for them silently and with a clear mind. If you think you can not solve a problem, stop trying to do it.

4. The most important question

When you start criticising yourself for past mistakes or seeing disaster around every corner, ask yourself: “Is there anything I can do right now to change the past or positively influence the future?” If the answer is yes, do it – take action. If the answer is no, be at peace – let it go. You have to take action or let it go; everything else is self-harm.

5. Live in the present moment

You are not going to overthink your way to a better future. You are not going to overthink your way to a better past. All you have is now. And what you can do with now can make right of your past and make good for your future. Make peace with yesterday, let go of tomorrow, and grab hold of now.

6. Fact-check your thoughts

Your thoughts will create scenarios that reflect your insecurities, fears, and worries. So, it is essential to always fact-check your thoughts before accepting them. However, in highly emotional situations, your thoughts will tell you stories that are not always true. In that particular situation, you have to fact-check yourself. 

 7. Accept the peace

No amount of anxiety will change your future, and no amount of anxiety will change your past. Peace is found in acceptance:

  • Accept imperfection
  • Accept uncertainty
  • Accept the uncontrollable

You do not have to understand, tolerate or even forget something, but if you want peace, you must accept it.

8. Health starts in your mind

You can go to the gym, eat healthy, do yoga, drink water, and take vitamins. However, if you do not directly confront the negativity in your thoughts, you will never indeed be “HEALTHY”.

Health is not measured on scales, by the size of our muscles or the width of our waist. Proper health is measured by the quality of our thoughts and the peacefulness of our minds.
