

IIT Madras Develops Algorithm for Health Monitoring Wearable Device

Madras : Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-M) has developed the algorithm for the country’s first medical-grade, wearable device for deriving…

IIT Madras Develops Algorithm for Health Monitoring Wearable Device

Madras : Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-M) has developed the algorithm for the country’s first medical-grade, wearable device for deriving vitals in a non-invasive manner. The algorithm is being called ÂVinCense.Â

Developed jointly with MedIoTek Health Systems which works on mobile health technology, VinCense can be used for unobtrusive monitoring. Vital signs including pulse-rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, skin temperature, blood pressure and others are duly recorded through this device. The real-time data are stored in the patent-pending secured cloud from where healthcare providers can access vitals using an intuitive interface.

VinCense can be deployed for home healthcare delivery, insurance/analytics and corporate/ industrial occupational health screening. It also has applications for Non-Communicable Diseases Screening and Surveillance, general public health, and community health.

The device was developed by a team led by Prof M. Manivannan, Head of Touch Lab, Biomedical Engineering Group, Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT MadrasSpeaking about VinCense, Prof M.Manivannan said that his team is developing algorithms that provide more accurate vitals from the wearable device.

With the focus on preventive health, India has potential to become a Global Healthcare Hub. Only with a fraction of NIH budget, India can double the efficiency in delivering healthcare services to its population, added Prof Manivannan.

Health screening and monitoring towards preventive and curative care are becoming easier using technologies including from virtual reality, gaming, data-sciences and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). Sophisticated algorithms combined with latest technologies for accurately deriving vital parameters at an affordable cost is the need of the hour.

MedIoTek has been working on this wearable platform for past four years and the Touch Laboratory at IIT Madras has been working on medical simulation technologies providing haptic feedback for past 13 years. This collaboration would further lead to algorithms for medical simulation applied to wireless health monitoring systems. The outcome of this collaboration could lead to early intervention reducing risks and complications and improving clinical outcomes, a statement issued by the IIT-Madras said.
