

Navtej – The Leader Of New Generation Punjabi Folk and Pop Singers

Navtej is part of Punjabi music’s new generation and pop culture and with his sheer hard work, has earned the…

Navtej – The Leader Of New Generation Punjabi Folk and Pop Singers

Navtej is part of Punjabi musicÂs new generation and pop culture and with his sheer hard work, has earned the name for himself in a very short span of time. Navtej hails from Ludhiana, Punjab where music is everywhere and in everything and it inspires so many young people to opt-out as a career in the music industry. Moreover, the size of the Punjab music industry was estimated at 1300 Cr in 2017 which is more than 1800 Cr and it is increasing 10% annually. There are more than 400 music labels that release around 20 songs per day, in the year 2019 itself, more than 4000 songs and music videos were released.

So, to make a mark in such a vast industry is a mammoth task and requires a lot of hard work, perseverance, desire to learn all the time from own and otherÂs mistakes which Navtej followed rigorously. If a person is not dedicated enough, there are singers with overnight success, lavishly shot music videos with heavy production budget and millions of views on YouTube go into oblivion as fast they came on the horizon, therefore, to be always attentive towards the feedback is quite important.

Navtej started following his passion professionally quite early as he found it at a very young age in his life that music is the field in which he would like to make his career as it can give him everything which every person desires to achieve in his life. In the year 2016, he started following and working with many lead singers and music labels which helped him to learn the nuances of how the music industry works.

With his untiring efforts and never say never attitude, in the month of July 2020, Navtej broke into the world of the internet with his first song Soota, which has the theme of joy to spend quality time with friends. Soota has quite energetic beats and lyrics is also trendy. Being the 1st song of a singer, Soota became very successful and this initial success motivated Navtej to follow his dreams with more passion.

The success of 1st single Soota, another awesome song of Navtej was released in August 2020 itself named Â+2 PassÂ. As the name suggests, this song has everything which the millennials generation likes to follow. Navtej has expressed himself with so much young energy in this song which is very contagious, and the audience automatically starts grooving on the electronic music has been used in this song quite beautifully.

Last year has been a dream year for Navtej, and it has motivated him to work on more exciting projects which can help him to learn more, express his thoughts freely and grow as a performer. Learning is a never-ending process and as it is the initial stage of NavtejÂs career, he is very cautious about it. He pays a lot of attention to details and follows a rigorous process to keep himself on track.

Currently, he is in the middle of a discussion with some leading music production houses regarding his future projects which surely going to be exciting and his fans are eagerly waiting for this also.
