which is India’s most trusted real money rummy app is all for responsible gaming. The platform has left no stone unturned when it comes to taking extensive measures to ensure that all protocols related to fair and responsible gaming are followed. Sharing his thoughts on responsible gaming, Mr. Saurabh Aggarwal, CEO, Octro Inc., said, “We are firm believers that all real money games including ours should do everything in their capacity to ensure responsible gaming practices are followed on the platform and the users experience fair gaming. has a zero tolerance policy towards anyone who is found guilty of unfair play of any kind.”
In the recent times, online casino games and Rummy have gainded huge prominence. PlayRummycom is in accordance with its policy towards responsible gaming, has taken every possible step to ensure player protection which is also one of the key aspects of responsible gaming on this rummy app. Mr. Nalin Dhupia, the digital marketing head at PlayRummy, said, “PlayRummy is a member of The Online Rummy Federation (TORF) and abides by all its rules and regulations ensuring the concept of responsible gaming is completely adhered to.” The Online Rummy Federation is a not-for-profit society established under the Societies Registration Act, to guide and support the online rummy industry in providing sustainable and healthy entertainment to players across India.
Dhupia also highlighted various measures which are carried out unfailingly at to make it the most trustworthy platform to play online rummy with real money. The platform does a thorough check that all rummy players on the platform should have attained at least 18 years of age before they play on this app. All players except those trying to play the game from the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Sikkim, or Nagaland are allowed to play the game.
The game has fixed transaction limits to ensure complete financial security to every player. No player on the platform has the access to violate the deposit limit fixed for a single transaction on this platform. The measure is specifically taken to prevent any over indulgence in the game on the part of the players. There is also a dedicated customer support team that advises players, especially new ones on self-exclusion measures and other game-related concerns.
The reason why over two million players trust this rummy app is because it has no bots and only real rummy players play it. Also, the Random Number Generator (RNG) software used in the game is certified by a reputed Australian accreditation agency, iTech Labs. making it a supremely trustworthy and secure platform which is committed to provide a fair game playing experience to everyone.
“We have a dedicated anti-fraud team that makes use of advanced anti-collusion algorithms to keep a tab on each and every gameplay on the platform and monitor all possible malpractices that can adversely affect outcomes of some rummy games,” added Dhupia.
Highlighting how the registrations, deposits and withdrawals on happen, Dhupia explained that they are carried on with secure payment gateways that make use of advanced 128-bit SSL encryption and even the KYC procedure in the form of identity authentication helps to prevent misuse of the rummy platform and curbs compulsive usage by over indulgent players.