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Rahul Ahuja is a food blogger who is very much dedicated to his passion for food and travel blogging and He loves to be an important part of the F&B industry by reviewing and posting images on his Instagram account and has successfully come a long way and made a good name in the influencer world with his impressive work on various social media sites.
He follows the simple mantra of ÂMore smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.Â
He currently has more than 30,000 followers on his food and travel Instagram handle @eatsindia and helo travel page @therahulahuja ( was even awarded popular creator badge for having more than 1000k views on his posts )
Professionally Ahuja has done his Masters in Social Work and even stood second in the class for which he awarded a Silver Medal and since then he has been working with various NGOs.
Recently one of his stories talking about how he facilitated and guided the EWS section of the Society to apply under the EWS quota and avail free education from private schools was even put up on Delhi Metro train under the Tata Tea initiative dilserichdilli.
Rahul Ahuja as an influencer loves discovering and exploring new places, things and anything interesting and even sharing his personal experiences with everyone.
Blogging is surely becoming a very saturated market and with so many new bloggers, it is not surprising that the competition is rising in the market.
But, that has never Stopped Rahul at any point as he tends to find peace in traveling and enjoying food which in return allows him to try out things that the others are still missing in their monotonous lives.
Eatsindia is consistently growing and is truly one of the best to look for blogs available from Delhi, India.
For someone from Delhi with a permanent 9 to 5 job, it is pretty difficult but Ahuja Rahul has definitely outdone his resources and is on the way to become renowned internationally as well.
Thus, Rahul is the perfect example for those who want to enjoy their lives by using different Social Media Platforms.