On Thursday, CPM leader and Rajya Sabha MP Brinda Karat reached Jantar Mantar, the site where Indian Wrestlers were protesting against the Wrestling Federation of India’s chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and other officials alleging sexual exploitation of several athletes. Karat was immediately asked to get down from the stage by Bajrang Punia who requested her with folding hands to not use the site for political purposes.
“Neeche utar jaaiye please (Please get down)… We request you, madam, please don’t make this political,” Olympiad Bajrang Punia told CPM leader Brinda Karat when she arrived at Jantar Mantar, the site where the ongoing protest by several wrestlers is taking place. Sakshi Malik, the Rio Olympic medallist, World Champion Sarita Mor, Anshu Malik, Satyawart Malik, Sonam Malik, Bajrang Punia are among in total 30 celebrated Indian Wrestlers who have assembled at the famous protest site, Jantar Mantar in Delhi, demanding sacking the President of Wrestling Federation of India.
Keeping in view the ongoing controversy, the Union Sports Ministry has announced the calling of the Emergency General Council Meeting of Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) that was scheduled to be held on Sunday at Ayodhya. Additionally, the body has been directed to suspend all ongoing activities that also includes a major Ranking Tournament in Uttar Pradesh’s Gonda, owing to the various allegations against the sports body and Brijbhushan Sharan Singh, the President of the body.
As soon as the protest erupted out into a major controversy with opposition parties sharpening the attack on the BJP MP Brijbhushan Sharan Singh, Anurag Thakur, the Union Sports Minister, went onto the protesting site and announced the formation of an oversight committee to probe the allegations. The ministry on Saturday also suspended WFI’s assistant secretary Vinod Tomar, a fallout of the grapplers’ allegations of sexual harassment and corruption against the sports body’s chief.
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