

Work-Life Balance: Challenges Faced by Urban Indians

With the rising pace of the urban lifestyle, increasing professional commitments, and expanding lifestyle needs, achieving a work-life balance has…

Work-Life Balance: Challenges Faced by Urban Indians

With the rising pace of the urban lifestyle, increasing professional commitments, and expanding lifestyle needs, achieving a work-life balance has become challenging. Urban Indians have seen an immense shift in their lifestyle due to factors such as economic growth, technological advancements, and a competitive job market. These factors have not just affected the overall health of individuals, but also their work-life balance. In the fast-paced urban environment of India, having a moderately strict work-life balance is required. Let’s delve into the aspects weighing on our work-life balance, or rather imbalance, and how we can improve the system: 

  • Unstable work hours: Many urban professionals are required to work beyond the 9-5 schedule. The overtime culture, paired with the expectation to stay late for work has established a toxic culture. This toxicity promotes the lack of work-life balance.  
  • Stress of commuting: The continuous stress of commuting and traffic congestion leads to reduced personal time. More and more people have claimed that daily commute has claimed their ‘me-time’. 
  • Technological connectivity: Technological advancement has fixed people on the grid. With everything readily available over our devices, and the constant need to be available, personal and professional life balance has dwindled.  
  • Job insecurity: Because of high competition in the job market and job insecurity, immense pressure is laid on employees. People end up working more, for unfair compensation, which negatively impacts their mental health. 
  • Social expectations: Due to the cultural norm of India, people wish to excel in their professional lives. Thus, people often end up slaving away at work instead of prioritising their health and wellbeing. 

Challenges faced due to a lack of a healthy balance: 

  • Health issues: The lack of a this balance affects physical and mental health. With long hours of sedentary lifestyle and chronic stress or burnout, people often end up falling extremely sick. 
  • Reduced quality of life: Limited personal time forces people to let go of their hobbies, cause strains in family bonds, and can cause distress in relationships.  
  • Impact on productivity: Overworking often leads to burnout, fatigue, and reduced productivity. These factors can result in a dip in productivity and can cause more harm than good. 
  • Gender disparities: Challenges to this much needed balance can often be accounted to gender disparities. Working women with families often end up bearing extra pressure. Moreover, they struggle to balance their personal and work life.  

Solutions to improve work-life balance 

  • Flexible work schedules: Flexible work arrangements can allow people to unwind the right way. In addition, allowing employees to work from home or other locations can reduce commute stress and help in time management. 
  • Support: For a healthy and successful balance, it is essential for organisations to provide the right support. Organisations should offer support services and encourage breaks for rejuvenation. 
  • Technology management: By managing technology and establishing off-hours, can lead to a healthy environment where people are able to enjoy their personal time. Moreover, digital detoxing is another essential way to promote a healthy professional and personal life balance. 
  • Health initiatives: Offering access to mental and physical health resources, can lead to more acceptance, and reduce the stigma surrounding a healthy balance. 
  • Promoting work-life balance: Through the demonstration and support of your organisation’s management, a balance should be promoted. Moreover, employee feedback should also be registered to foster a positive environment. 
