CM Arvind Kejriwal launched the ‘Green Delhi’ mobile app to enable people to register complaints to report increasing pollution sources and violations of anti-pollution norms.
The Delhi government launched a photo, audio, and video-based ‘Green Delhi’ app to enable citizens of Delhi to report pollution violations and local sources of pollution in the city, such as garbage burning, dust due to construction activities, industrial activities, and other local pollutants.
Delhi CM Kejriwal said, “Today, we are launching the ‘Green Delhi’ App. Our aim is to enable every citizen to participate in our ‘Yuddh, Pradushan Ke Viruddh’ campaign. No movement can happen until people take part in the movement. We are launching the ‘Green Delhi’ app that can be downloaded from the play store, it is available on android for now and will be available on other platforms soonÂ.
“In this app, a citizen can take a photo or shoot a video and audio of local pollutants, such as garbage burning, industrial pollution, construction dust, etc and upload them on the app to report it. “While reporting the activity, we will automatically get your location where the source of pollution was found,” said the CM.
He further added that a complaint lodged on the App will be received by the concerned departments, which will have to resolve the complaints in a time-bound manner, as per the specified timelines for different types of complaints.
“In this app, a citizen can take a photo or shoot a video and audio of local pollutants, such as garbage burning, industrial pollution, construction dust, etc and upload them on the app to report it. “While reporting the activity, we will automatically get your location where the source of pollution was found,” said the CM.
The monitoring of the resolution of all complaints and the number of complaints received will be done in our 24×7 Green War Room. Around 70 Green marshals have also been deployed for effective resolution of complaints registered on the app.
“Please make us aware of any difficulties that you may face in the app initially, and we will work towards resolving them. Our objective is to involve every agency and department, be it DDA, MCD, Delhi government, to strengthen our ‘Yuddh, Pradushan Ke Viruddh’,” added the CM.