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” A poet is, before anything else, A person who is passionately in love with the language. “
For its first-ever poetry award contest organized for #NaPoWriMo, FanatiXx Spectrum Awards bought together poets from various geographical boundaries of India to race for the title of ‘Best Poet Award’.
These Poets were asked to create their poetic content in three unique submissions. Each submission should be different from the previous one. There was no barrier of theme, language or word limit, it was all how they wanted to get hold of the title of ‘Best Poet’ by impressing through their work.
Over 300 plus poets enrolled themselves as a participant for the race of Best Poet Award. All the participants were appreciated with the Spectrum Participant Kit.
Keeping Best for the last FanatiXx Spectrum Awards proudly announced their winner for the contest. The name is as follows :
 Winner of the Title ‘Best Poet Award’ is Vaishnavi Chari.
 1st Runner Up for the Title ‘Best Poet Award’ is Dr Vedha Surendra
 2nd Runner Up for the Title ‘Best Poet Award’ is Shivangi Kushwah
With an impromptu surprise by the team of FanatiXx Spectrum Awards, two performers from the Poetic Evening Of Best Poet Award held on 31st May, 2021, Pritha Konar and Aparna Suresh were selected and appreciated for being the ‘Editors Choice’ for their beautiful performance.
Juno Ashok with her tremandous performance won the hearts of all the other participants, which is why she was announced as a ‘Best Performer of the Event’.
Here from all of the Smiling Faces of the evening.
“I just can’t express my gratitude enough in words. This was the very first platform where I got not only a platform for showcasing my writings but also a beautiful, supportive and an ever inspiring team. Thank you so much. This was really unexpected, getting the Best Poet Award title from such a diverse group of prolific writers is really special and shall be always close to my heart. Once again thank you Spectrum awards and fanatixx for providing such a huge platform for budding writers wherein they can not only explore their talent but also encouraging them consistently to do better.” ~ Vaishnavi Chari
“I just can’t express my gratitude enough in words. This was the very first platform where I got not only a platform for showcasing my writings but also a beautiful, supportive and an ever inspiring team. Thank you so much. This was really unexpected, getting the Best Poet Award title from such a diverse group of prolific writers is really special and shall be always close to my heart. Once again thank you Spectrum awards and fanatixx for providing such a huge platform for budding writers wherein they can not only explore their talent but also encouraging them consistently to do better.” ~ Juno Ashok
“I am extremely gratified that IÂve just received the Editors choice. I was clueless that spectrum awards were contemplating me for this prize, therefore, it comes as great amazement. The only thing I am able to express is my sincere gratefulness towards the team. This is simply one of the most important moments of my professional career. Thank you so much for organising this platform otherwise it would have never be possible for me to let newbies to like me to shine. This really acknowledges my work. And I wish that Spectrum Awards bring more such platforms.” ~ Pritha Konar
“ItÂs with profound gratitude that I accept the honour ÂSecond place -Best Poet Award accorded to me by the elite ÂFanatiXx Spectrum AwardsÂ. It was indeed a moment of surprise followed by jubilation. I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate the exclusive publication and award unit for creating a unique platform to recognize talents paving way to hone their skills. Acknowledgment of any work is the noblest virtue which in turn gives an impetus for any individual to achieve and excel. Finally to sum-up, your tagline ÂRecognizing the Unrecognized says it all !! Thank you” ~ Dr. Vedha Surendra
” I am really happy since I get to know the results. It was really a surprise for me.
The live session was a great opportunity for all the writers to meet people of same community & same interest. I really enjoyed the event & a big thanks for providing us the platform to recite our pieces.” ~ Shivangi Kushwah
“I was very thrilled when I was announced as port of the EditorÂs choice, felt so happy. Love and regards” ~ Aparna Suresh
Last but not the least, FanatiXx Spectrum Awards was formed with a single purpose, to recognize and motivate people so they can do the same for others.
If you want to be nominated/awarded by this recognition, check out the link:
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