

Alleviating people and seeing them smile motivates me, Ganpat Banthia

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared…

Alleviating people and seeing them smile motivates me, Ganpat Banthia

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty. The world can seem like a big, scary place for children, troubled teens, abused women, and homeless individuals. A safer, more protective home begins with one person, in one home. 

A visionary born on June 13 in Balotra Mr. Ganpat Banthia, working as a social activist, politician, and businessman in Balotra. During his political & social carrier Ganpat Banthia has worked as an executive member in Bharatiya Janata Party (Rajasthan), Chairman of ITI college (Siwana), Chairman of ÂShri Champalal Banthia charitable trust ( an NGO), Secretary of CEPT trust & Laghu Udyog Mandal ( Balotra ), President Laghu Udyog Prakost Jodhpur region, Vice President business cell of Bhartiya Janta party Rajasthan, founder member of Laghu Udyog Bharti, Balotra.

 He believes people either move towards something or far away from it. Successful social workers seem to move towards their goals and visions with more determination, they are almost conditioned to believe in the possibilities, not the obstacles. They are more afraid of not trying than they are of failing. On asking his favorite aspects of being a social worker he said, Challenges, finding problems, and solving them. 

The most satisfying moment is whenever thereÂs been a great challenge that he has overcome, thatÂs given him the greatest satisfaction, on questioning ÂHow Did You Know When You Had The Right Idea?Â

He said in his own words Âsometimes you go through a lot of good ideas before you get to a great idea or the Âright idea. What can also be different about the Âright idea is that feeling that you get, that it represents everything you believe in, and as if all of the things you have learned and experienced so far have guided you exactly to this idea. It feels right in a different way and on many levels.ÂÂ

With a lot of reflection, considering various aspects of the situation, and thinking about potential solutions. Often difficult roads lead to great destinations, so he tries to remind himself of that and focus on the lesson and growth as thereÂs always something we can learn. When in doubt, trust yourself and your intuition (that gut feeling). 

If you are fortunate enough, you might have trusted friends or mentors who can give you guidance when itÂs needed.  ItÂs easy to point out the flaws and imperfections present all around us. But itÂs much more difficult to look inward and decide to change ourselves. The first step is always ourselves.

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