

Plasma Apheresis Machine to be installed in Katni: Divyanshu Mishra Anshu

Taking seriously the outbreak of rapid uptake in the district by NSUI National Coordinator, Divyanshu Mishra Anshu, on 18 April…

Plasma Apheresis Machine to be installed in Katni: Divyanshu Mishra Anshu

Taking seriously the outbreak of rapid uptake in the district by NSUI National Coordinator, Divyanshu Mishra Anshu, on 18 April 2021, all health-related departments, officers and district collector katni Madhya Pradesh of the state were sent via email to Plasma Change Apheresis machine at Katni District Hospital.

Divyanshu Mishra Anshu said that while giving the information, Many patients are receiving life donations due to the process of plasma replacement in covid19, for this process patients and plasma donors have to move towards district Jabalpur, which is round about 100 kilometers from katni. Due to which many donors and patients are unable to reach and many patients die.

This machine also helps in the treatment of many other diseases. Katni donates a large amount of blood to the blood bank, the district is also a large district in proportion to the population, the use of this machine will save both the money and time of the common people and will help in fighting the COVID19. The machine should be installed in a district hospital. In such a situation, the installation of the said machine can be very beneficial for harvesting. On which no proper answer has been received till date. Anshu did not take concrete steps soon. Ongoing, a warning has been given to the district administration to agitate for the Plasma Apheresis Machine to be installed in Katni: Divyanshu Mishra Anshupublic interest.
