

Silisti Karuriya: An award-winning author of the modern literature

Why did you set all the papers on fire? I used to write stories and poems from childhood, but as…

Silisti Karuriya: An award-winning author of the modern literature
  • Why did you set all the papers on fire?

I used to write stories and poems from childhood, but as I was preparing for civil services, I thought that I should first become an IAS officer and then publish a book or story, but I dreamed of becoming an IAS officer, which became a dream. At the time, I got upset and burned my written paper in the fire, but it still feels bad.

  • What broke down the dream of IAS?

When I was doing M.Sc in Bioscience, I felt that I should prepare for the Civil Services Examination. I started giving 14-15 hours for civil services at Banasthali Vidyapith. I prepared myself for 2 years and after completing my M.Sc when I asked my family to go to Delhi to prepare for the Civil Services Examination, they refused. After that I joined Ph.D., stopping preparation of civil services due to family pressure. I did not want to give up on my life.

  • Why did you choose Banasthali Vidyapith for your Ph.D.?

Banasthali Vidyapith is a girls’ university. Its atmosphere is very quiet. I love the environment of Banasthali and the departments and libraries there. So I chose Banasthali Vidyapith for my Ph.D.

  • Can you explain something about “Broken Ship”?

My short story-Broken Ship is selected in the Broken Ship Golden Book of World Records. I have tried to tell the imaginary worlds of a small child through the Broken Ship Story. I have explained the imaginary thinking of a child through magic and bizarre fantasy thinking in ÂBroken ShipÂ. I wrote a Broken Ship short story while in the Ph.D.’s Science Lab and published it in International Magazine. A few days later, Broken Ship is selected in the Golden Book of World Records. Broken Ship is a fictional story in which, through imagination, I have told some interesting things to attract youngsters of all ages, from children to cheese horses, chocolate elephants, and the queen of green hair, which is different from the real-life of the world.

  • How do you feel when work adjusted into “Top 100 debut novel”?

I was very happy to be selected in the top 100 debut novels. When I got the certificate of top 100 debut novel, it was like a miracle.

  • How do you feel after featuring in “The Literary E-magazine”?

It was a great honor for me to get my picture on the first cover of The Literary mirror magazine.

  • How did you win “ALFAAZ” as a third position?

ÂALFAAZÂ is a poetry event and organized by SAAD EVENT & AUDIO. ÂALFAAZÂ event was IndiaÂs biggest poetry competition in which five rounds and chose six winners. I got the third position for ÂTERE BADRA MERE LABO SE TAKRA GAYEÂ.

  • What motivated you to write “Babesi”?

“Babesi” exposes grassroots social thinking. Whether it is the coronavirus or the thinking of social people, how it can change a human being, I wrote this “Babesi” story to change the world from my thoughts with this basic thought. The story “Babesi” has been selected for web series in “Story to Screen 2020Â and is also being produced on the web series film “Babesi”. I am trying to highlight the problem of social level with my writing.

  • How do you feel after shortlisting Babesi in the Top 10 of the coveted story to screen 2020?

“Story to Screen 2020” is an event in which nominated the national and international authors which were organized by The Literary Mirror. And there the jury members after reading the story announced to create a web series on the winnerÂs novel on behalf of Literary Mirror. In the “Story to Screen 2020Â event, my story selected in the top 10 and it was a great pleasure for me and it was like dream for me.

  • What was your roller coaster while doing all your activities?

I believe as a roller coaster in The God and then I because when I tried to fulfill my dreams there was no one with me. I had no one at that time who could help with such things. I was alone on this journey. Therefore, I would like to give this credit to myself.

  • What motivates you to be so energetic?

Krishna’s consciousness inspires spiritual energy to make me so energetic. After going to ISKCON Temple, I have been felt to live again. I always remove negative wives from my life by reading Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, Ramayan, and spiritual books. I love nature. I like to go close to nature and write with feeling the environment. I feel different energy to keep calm and read books which would be difficult for me to describe in words.

  • Who is your big supporter?

First of all, I consider God as my biggest supporter who supported me in every major trouble, when no one was with me. I consider myself a role model to my father and elder brother. Whatever I am today is just because of my father and mother who fulfills all my dreams and they made me capable of this and supported all my creativity since childhood. Daddy gifted me painting colors on every birthday and encouraged me to do paintings. My brother supported me by ordering books for the preparation for the civil services exam. My parents gave me a lot of love and support as I become an author.

  • What do you suggest to youth to pursue Ph.D.?

Doing Ph.D. and research work is very big thing and you should also have dedication for it. I would like to say to everyone that when you start work, you should also have the courage to complete it, instead of stopping it. Everyone has problems in life but it is a passion to handle them.

  • What was the toughest barrier in your carrier?

Lack of confidence and freedom to go out to do some work. In this society, permission is sought for freedom first then you can do some work.

  • Can you recite one of your best poems?

You are like my red wine.

You are my morning and night thought.

Always in my heart.

When I drink you

I feel totally joyful.

When red wine glass finishes

I feel totally anxious

I need red wine.

When I get you

I will need more

  • “Chamde Ka Lutera” is nominated for “best fiction author? How do you feel?

I was very excited when ÂChamde Ka Lutera was nominated for Best Fiction Novel. When I received the award for Best Fiction Novel, it was a very memorable day for me which would be difficult to describe in words.

  • What are the loopholes in pursuing a Ph.D.?

I am interested in reading Science Books but I am not interested in Research. When I started my Ph.D., I didnÂt know about Research work and lab work. It had many loopholes in pursuing a Ph.D. After some months I felt low confidence So I started writing my debut Novel Chamde ka lutera then I feel very good and I focus on Research work.

  • Can you recite ÂI am your cigarette and your cigarette’s smoke”?

I am not your cigarette.

I am your cigarette’s smoke.

Because Cigarette is temporary things

and always present on road corner.

But i am your cigarette’s smoke,

When I enter in your lungs,

Then you feel Excite for me.

When I enter your brain.

You feel totally relaxed,

You feel pleasure of my consciousness,

You feel sensation of my consciousness,

You feel every moment of my consciousness.

You always miss me when I m disappear.

I am your life. Without me, you are feeling anxious.

  • Even after being a science student, how did you dare to write a “Chamde Ka Lutera” novel?

“Chamde Ka Lutera” is a grassroots story that tells the struggle of a middle-class family girl. Looking at my society and the world, I have written a “Chamde Ka Lutera” novel to show the lower mentality of society to the world by understanding their feelings about girls. I want to overcome social evils through the novel “Chamde Ka Lutera “. I have put forward the social ground aspect in the book ” Chamde Ka Lutera “. It is a story that can shake people from inside. I have promoted women’s empowerment in the country through my novel “Chamde Ka Lutera “. I have written a novel “Chamde Ka Lutera ” to make people aware of the ground issues of society.

  • Who is your favorite author in the same genre you write and why?

Munshi Premchand, Jaishankar Prasad, Sumitranandan Pant, Mahadevi Verma, Robin Sharma, Rhonda Byrne, Amish Tripathi, Sudeep Nagarkar, and Durjoy Datta. I like to write novels & stories because I feel great while writing about my feelings, experiences, pain, and struggles. I want to motivate & inspired people with my writing.

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